Benjamin's none too well today, with a temperature between 101F and 103.5F.
But he's had some calpol, and his temperature is the lower of the two now.
So he started off this morning waking up wimpering and whining, then straight away threw up in his bed. So I picked him up and he was superbly snotty, moreso than usual. So we took him into our bed and he seemed not to bad, and went to sleep.
Then later we were due to go to my parents house I changed him and found some impressively goey green brown pooh, and he was upset and wimpering again, and this time he was really hot, especially the backs of his legs. So we tried him with some calpol, but he threw it up. So he stayed home with mama while I went to my parents. Vicky fed him milk and half a lurdle lurdle (banana), which he seemed to keep down, then he had a sleep.
So when I came back he was flopped out on the sofa, ocassionally waking up and moaning. We managed to get some calpol down him and though we would wait to see if it stayed A while later my mum came round having bought a digital ear thermometer, which we used and found out that his temperature had gone up to 103.5F (about 39.2C). So I called the NHS direct line and they said to keep him coolish and keep giving his calpol, so we gave him the other half of his dose from before and his temperature came down to 101F. Then a doctor phoned from NHS Direct and said if we wanted to we could take him to see a doctor. By this point he was being a bit more active and his temperature was down to 100.8F, so I said that I'd rather not take him out in the cold, as it looks like it might snow tonight, and has been in other parts of the country. But they left it open saying if he got worse to call back and they would get him an appointment at the doctors up the road.
So now we'll just wait and see. Oh and if I don't update this, he's just got better with no more events.
Update : 6:35pm - 99.1F - Getting better
Update : 2:25pm (next day) - 97.5F - All better now, having a snooze on the sofa. :-)
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