So, last time, I'd done most of the loft then. Shortly afterwards I went to B&Q and lakeside, some timber cut to sizes, bought some hinges and a latch, then I went home and built a new hatch for the loft to hang down. Fear me, for I am DIY- MAN (but it's ok, I've got my own fist aid kit ;-p ).
Then this last week I finished off the floor by chopping about 6 loft-boards lenghways (which is a lot quicker once you use the right jigsaw bit). So that's pretty much done now, all that is left to complete the middle bit of the loft is go go round with some spare bits of wood and filler to try to cover the gaps. Pain in the bum our roof, the battons that the floor had to be laid on were't level or evenly spaced.
Of course then I'll want to floor the sides of the loft and ply wood the sides before letting benjamin up there, otherwise there's just too much glass fibre dust up there.
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